The Road Ahead Blog

Boarding Passes And Metal Detectors: 3 Tips To Help You Navigate Airports Stress-Free

Traveling isn’t always fun. Although the final destination may be pure paradise, the journey getting there can be a trip through hell. Airports are notorious for being chaotic, stressful, and anxiety-inducing even in the calmest and most relaxed individuals; in order to ensure that your journey is just as stress-free as your vacation itself, we’ve compiled a few tips to help you navigate those pesky airports.

  • Print your boarding pass at home the night before. Although technology has come a long way since air travel was invented, you can avoid the lines at boarding pass booths and the panic of uncooperative cell phones by simply printing your boarding pass at home. This way, when you arrive at the airport, you can get right in line for security and begin your trip without any interruptions.
  • Take the airport shuttles. Some airports are absolutely massive. The distance between the parking lot and the airport itself can be quite extreme, and some airports have multiple terminals which you might need to frantically jump between during layovers. By taking advantage of the airport shuttle services offered by the airport itself, you can avoid any delays and confusion — especially where airport to airport transportation is needed.
  • Understand the TSA guidelines ahead of time. Nothing is more frustrating than getting in line for security and having to desperately dig through your bag to find that bottle of makeup remover you forgot to separate with your liquids. In fact, it’s wise to keep the TSA guidelines in your mind while you pack to make sure nothing is forgotten. You’ll not only end up potentially missing your flight, but everyone around you — including the TSA agents themselves — may get frustrated with your delay.


Don’t worry, you’re not alone in this venture: approximately 62% of Americans reported taking a vacation away from their homes in 2017. Although not all of them may have needed to deal with anxieties of airports, they certainly faced similar challenges throughout their own journeys. The next time you book a trip to Paris, Rome, or Fiji, keep these tips in mind and the entire adventure will feel like heaven.
